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ProVera Tax, k.s.


Complex tax services provided by ProVera Tax, k. s.

We offer consultations as a part of our year-round care for the client who signed a Tax Consulting Agreement, or we can provide one-time consultations and draw up written tax opinions.

All tax issues are always addressed in connection with tax and legal regulations. We as a company work closely with legal advisers in order to ensure this.

Within this range of services, we offer you the following:

  • filing, drawing up, and submitting both natural person income tax returns, and corporate income tax returns
  • consultations and resolving tax issues concerning direct and indirect taxes
  • drawing up expert opinions on tax issues
  • tax audits
  • representations in tax controls and dealings
  • drawing up appeals against the decisions of tax offices
  • courses in accounting and taxes, etc.


Ing. Peter Mestický – executive director, auditor, tax consultant, a member of the Slovak Public Audit Oversight Board
E-mail: mesticky@provera.sk
Phone no.: +421/2/43 29 19 50

Ing. Martina Marhefková, PhD. – authorized representative, auditor
E-mail: marhefkova@provera.sk
Phone no.: +421/2/43 29 19 50